Induction Ceremony – UNTP Cohort VIII

Category: HR News | Date: Feb. 16, 2020, 5:05 p.m. | Total Views: 2682

Real Solutions on behalf of United Nations in Nepal, facilitated induction ceremony for 64 trainees on 14th February, 2020, with the purpose of giving the trainees and introduction to the work environment, work culture, practices, ethics and values of the UN System in Nepal as well as globally.

Real Solutions on September, 2019 invited eligible university graduates belonging to socially excluded groups, person with disabilities and LGBTIQ for the UN Traineeship Programme – Cohort VIII. Out of the 2000+ application, 64 selected candidates for the Cohort VIII participated in the Induction ceremony.

The ceremony started with the introduction of the Trainees/Agency and mentors later followed by mentor and trainee interaction. In the welcome remark, Ms. Velerie Julliand, Resident Representative, UN Nepal addressed that - so many of the youth in Nepal have no access to education, have no opportunity to work and that’s why the traineeship programme is there to make sure that the young people in Nepal are given an opportunity in an environment that will give them the knowledge they need: something that they call sell on their CV to find more opportunity in the future. UN traineeship is a win-win situations for everyone where tradition, caste and culture is not an excuse for any discrimination. " We need to understand them better to fight them better and you can help us do that", she added.

On her note to the trainees she said, “You are here to learn, while you are here: learn as much as you can, respect the values, bring your youth, don't be afraid to ask questions, and make sure that you make the maximum of these 11 months. That is what we expect from you.”

The traineeship programme was designed in 2010 by UN Country team and the first group of UN Trainees started in 2011. “The exposure to a professional environment in the UN has been enriching for trainees, mentors and the UN Agencies. So far, around two third of the UN trainees have found a full time job in various sector after finishing the traineeship,” said Dr. Jos Vandelaer, OMT CO-Chair.

On behalf of the trainees selected for UNTP Cohort VIII, Mr. Sujeet Gurung shared said, " With the traineeship opportunity at the UN, I am dedicated to learn the soft and technical skills, that I can implement in my life and use it to create a positive impact on the life of others around me." Similarly, Ms. Liza Rai shared that Traineeship is an opportunity to learn and grow in the UN system. " I wish to implement all my learning to contribute and help my society," she added.

All in all, the new batch of UN Trainees can look forward to a truly exciting career path ahead. The induction ceremony was just the inspirational start they needed to go ahead and to begin their dynamics journey of learning. Congratulations and Good Luck to all selected Trainees!